Certified Military Relocation Professional

PCSing made easy. As Certified Military Relocation Specialists, we can help ease the challenges brought by moving duty stations.

“MRPs understand that military buyers are looking for many of the same things that non-military buyers want, but MRPs also understand the unique challenges military buyers and sellers face when their housing needs change.”

First Hand Experience.

As a military spouse and homeowner, I have experienced first-handedly the difficulties of moving and purchasing a home when you can be hundreds or thousands of miles away. I’m always here to make this process stress-free and fun for the first-timers or seasoned vets.

Talks Your Language.

From PCS to BAH and more, service members speak in military acronyms and follow a unique set of moving protocols. An MRP understands these terms and, more importantly, how they can affect your relocation decisions.

Supports Tight Decisions & Deadlines.

An MRP knows that a PCSing shopper is a power shopper who might look for a house, write a sales contract, and have it negotiated all in a long weekend. Time is of the essence, and an MRP does the legwork that helps everything fall into place.

Plans Ahead.

You may be focused on your latest move, but an MRP is also thinking about your next transfer. How easy will it be to sell your home? Does it make sense to convert it into a rental property at the end of your assignment? These are questions I can help you answer.

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PCSing to a Duty Station that we don’t cover?

We have a network of VETTED agents who we can match you with, at no cost to you. All we want to see is our fellow military family being looked after!

GOOD NEWS! We still have you covered!